アジア建築交流国際会議2016 学生国際コンペティション

浜の未来 −七ヶ浜の復興をデザインせよ−
The Future of the Seashore Designing for Reconstruction of Shichigahama−

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Makoto Shin Watanabe


Weijin Wang

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Kim Young-Sub


Ahmad Djuhara


Shunsaku Miyagi


Norio Maki

About Juries

Makoto Shin Watanabe
Professor, School of Architecture and Graduate school of Architecture,Hosei University


1973  京都大学工学部建築学科卒業

1974-75 文部省派遣交換留学制度によりヴェネツィア建築大学在学

1977  京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻修了

1979  ハーバード大学デザイン学部大学院修了[フルブライト奨学生]

1981-87  磯崎新アトリエ勤務

1987-  設計組織ADH代表(木下庸子と共同)

1996-  法政大学建築学科教授


Weijen Wang
Department of Architecture, The University of Hongkong


2012- Head, Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

2012- Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

1992- Design Director, Wang Weijen Architecture, Hong Kong

2012- Member, Hong Kong Institute of Architects

2014 Fall Visiting Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Montreal, Canada

2014 Spring Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Architecture, National Chao Tung University, Taiwan

2008 Fall Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA

2007-2008 Lead Curator, 2007 Hong Kong-Shenzhen Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism

2008 Summer Visiting Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Nanjing University, Nanjing, PRC

1998-2012 Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

1998- Member, American Institute of Architects

1994-1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong

1994  Principle, Tongji Environmental Design Studio, Shanghai, PRC

1994 Spring Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Tongji University, Shanghai, PRC

1991-1994 Associate, TAC, The Architects Collaborative, San Francisco/Cambridge, USA

1987-1991 Design Architect, TAC, The Architects Collaborative, San Francisco/Cambridge, USA

1987 MArch Department of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley

1986-1987 Graduate Instructor, University of California, Berkeley

1985-1986 Research Assistant, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley

1985 MS in Urban Planning, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

1981-1985 Research Assistant/Planner, Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University

1981-1983 Second Lieutenant, Artillery, ROC Army, Taiwan

1981 BS Department of Geology, National Taiwan University

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Kim Young-Sub
the Principal Architect and Founder of Kim Young-Sub + Kunchook-Moonhwa Architect & Associates


1950 Born in Mokpo, Korea

1974 Graduated from Sungkyunkwan University, Department of Architectural Engineering.

1982 Established his office Kim Young-Sub + Kunchook-Moonhwa Architect & Associates.

He was Chair Professor in the Department of Architecture and Engineering, Head of Sunkyun Architecture Institute SKAi and Professor of Architectural Design for the Graduate School of Architecture at Sungkyunkwan University. Totally he served his duty as a professor and lecturer for 30 years. He has been a lecturer at the Architecture Department of Tokyo University and a visiting professor at the European Architecture University of Madrid and the Superior Technical Architecture School of Granada within other international practices.

He has been active as the chairman of the executive committee at the 4th IAA (Innovative Architecture in Asia) (2004), the jury of the Dongdaemun Stadium International Design Competition (2007), member of the presidential commission on national architecture policy (2009-2010), chairman of the landscape committee of the Jeju special self-governing province (2013-2015) and the co-chairman together with the city mayor for the Gangneung CBD Masterplan for the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Games (2016).

From 2007 to 2015 he has been working as a chairman of the public design committee for the Seoul Metropolitan Government, planning and reviewing major public projects.

He won various prizes with his practice and works such as: the Annual Korean Institute of Registered Architects Award (1988), the Annual Korean Architecture Culture Award of Seoul City (1992;1993;1996;1997), the Korean Environmental Design Award (1995), the 7th Kim Swoo-Geun Architectural Award (1995), The Annual Korean Environmental Design Award from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (1999), the 5th Catholic Church Arts Awards (2000), the Architectural Award of Seoul City (2001), the Architectural Award of Jeon-ju, Geum-San Catholic Church (2002), The Seoul Residential Architectural Award (2002), the Korean Architecture Award for residential projects (2006;2008) and a Presidential honorable citation of the Ministry of Public Administration (2011).

His work has been in exhibitions such as the ISAC (Societa Internationale degli Artisti Cristiani) at Santo Stefano Rotondo in Rome (1986), a Solo-exhibition of his work at the Bamboo Gallery in Seoul (1995), at the Asia Design Forum in Tokyo (2000) and the International Colloquium in Tokyo.


Ahmad Djuhara


Ahmad Djuhara was born in Jakarta, Indonesia in 1966 and studied architecture in Parahyangan Catholic University in Bandung, Indonesia, graduating in 1991. He has been active in the Young Indonesian Architects Forum (AMI) since 1992, coordinating discussions, exhibitions and book publications. He is involved in the modern Asian Architecture Network (mAAN) and was appointed mAAN’s Indonesia Vice-Coordinator in 2005. Mr Djuhara served the Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI) as Chairman of its Jakarta chapter from 2006 to 2009.

Mr. Juhara has won several awards, among them the IAI Award for Sugiharto Steel House in 2002 and for Wisnu House in 2008, both of which are in Jakarta. He is now practicing architecture in his firm djuhara+djuhara with wife, the architect Wendy Djuhara, who has also received several IAI Awards for Shining Stars Kindergarten and Tanah Teduh House, both located in Jakarta.

(from Archnet)

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Shunsaku MIyagi
ランドスケープアーキテクト、設計組織PLACEMEDIA, パートナー
Partner, PLACMEDIA Landscape Architects Collaborative
Landscape Architect


1957 京都府生まれ

1980 千葉大学園芸学部造園学科卒業

1982 京都大学大学院農学研究科博士前期課程修了

1986 ハーバード大学デザイン学部大学院修了

1991 設計組織PLACEMEDIA設立

1992 -2001 千葉大学緑地環境学科助教授

2001- 奈良女子大学大学院住環境学専攻教授

Norio Maki
Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University


1968 京都府生まれ

1991 京都大学工学部建築学科卒

1993 京都大学工学研究科建築学第二選考修了

1996 京都大学大学院工学研究科助手

1996 京都大学博士(工学)

1998 理化学研究所/防災科学技術研究所 地震防災フロンティア研究センター研究員

2005 京都大学防災研究所巨大災害研究センター准教授

2014 京都大学防災研究所教授